I also finished up the Miss Saigon Tee-Tote. I experimented with putting in a zipper pocket and it turned out ok. I am thinking I will keep this one to use to advertise in hopes someone will see it and ask where I got it. When I put my stuff in it I do find it a little small it is 12" wide by 9" long. So I will adjust the pattern and make it 14" long. I like a deeper bag.

I have also been looking for summer venues in which to sell my handbags and clutches. I would love to do a street market ... but here in Edmonton I just can't seem to find one that is a right fit for me. There are farmers markets but in the past I find they have a following so you need to go back more than once before you are really noticed. I would prefer and big one day event. Then we have a couple of festivals that would be great to get into such as the Folk Festival or Fringe Festival. They are a bit pricey about $300.00 for space. I think they would be a great venue for me, but I would need tons of stock and I am just one person so I don't think I can make enough. I will have to keep my eyes and ears open and get my butt in gear and make more bags ... find more t-shirts instead of surfing the internet. Have a great weekend!! Happy Mother's Day!