L-R: Needlequeen, Radical and Retro, Gadetgirl, Torrid Craft Affair, My Sweet Loveable Goods
I hope we get a chance to meet up again, it would be nice to get together and have an Etsy craft fair.
I am a self-professed craftaholic. I am a sock artist creating sock monkeys or sock aliens out of socks. I am going to start a line of plush pillow characters soon. I also have a passion for knitting. I truly think I am yarn-possessed. In the past my best friend has been my glue gun and I hear my sewing machine calling my name. Stay tuned ...
L-R: Needlequeen, Radical and Retro, Gadetgirl, Torrid Craft Affair, My Sweet Loveable Goods
I hope we get a chance to meet up again, it would be nice to get together and have an Etsy craft fair.