Upcoming Spring Craft Shows

Sunday, May 02, 2010

It's May - Time To MAKE IT!!

Yes it is MAY already!!  Where did the time go??  Only 2 months and school is out for the summer.
May starts off the official craft season here in Edmonton. 

My first craft show this year will be Make It!  on May 29 & 30th at the Hangar on Kingway.  Admission is $5.00 at the door but be sure to get your $2.00 off coupon .  It's where all the cool people shop.  Everything is unique and handmade.

I will also be out at the St. Albert Market this summer.  This is one of the largest outdoor markets in Alberta and there is no better place to be on a sunny Saturday afternoon.   I will be there June 19, July 3, 10, 17, 24, August 14, 21, 28 and September 4.

I have been busy sewing all winter to get ready for the shows, so I hope you will get a chance to come by and buy. 
Sockits needing faces                                                       

Sock Monkeys needing eyes

Dinos and goofy pillow ready to go!
Owl pillow waiting for someone to hug them.