The story of the Sockit is a very interesting one. Have you ever taken your clothes out of the dryer and found there to be only one sock?? Where is the other you ask... well here is your
That wonderful single sock was sucked out of your dryer vent and sent to the Planet Zebo where it was transformed into a "Sockit", colourful, kid-friendly little sock aliens that are very curious and fun. They are now available for adoption this weekend at the Spring Stop & Shop located at the Hangar on Kingsway from 11-6 on Sat & 11-5 on Sunday.
Drop by and check out all the other wonderful artists including a couple of my favorites; colourful & retro inspired vinyl bags by Majesty Inc, graphic design resin pendants & rings by Cloud & Lolly, totally awesome sock monsters by Belua Designs, and the coolest hats by Sugar Soul.