Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year
What will 2010 bring??? I have given up on resolutions as they only bring disappointment which, for me, leads me to eat more thus breaking the years resolution of losing weight. Just not worth it. Instead I take a book, write down goals I would like to achieve during the year and then forget about it. I revisit my goal list at the end of the year and check off the ones I succeeded on. Funny enough, it usually is most of them.
I would like to thank everyone who have given homes to my sock monkeys and sockits, or purchased owlpods and cell socks for their gadgets over the past year. You help feed the need to create. I look forward to a brand new year and new decade.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Upcoming Christmas Shows
I will be in St. Albert on Sat, November 28th, Saturday, Dec 12th, and Saturday, December 19th from 10am - 3pm. I will also be attending the Handmade Mafia on Saturday, December 5th at the Savoy on Whyte Avenue next to the Army & Navy.
I had a couple weeks off and finally had time to design some thing new.
Woke up to a snow covered yard this morning and now it feels much more like Christmas. Now I need to go get some shopping done before I get busy again.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Christmas in October
1pm - 8pm Friday, Oct 30; 10am - 5 pm Saturday, Oct 31; and 12noon - 5 pm Sunday, Nov 1.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Summer of Monkeys
The second wow was we went to Hawaii on a super duper deal. We stayed 12 glorius nights at the Hilton Hawaiian Village just steps from the ocean.
We celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary and my husbands 50th birthday in style. We also had a little stow away. One of my sock monkeys tagged along for the trip but it was a bit too hot there for him so he stayed in a nice air conditioned room the entire trip.
When we came back we loaded the car with socks and headed to Nanaimo to visit friends. I stuffed sock monkeys all the way there and sewed on arms and legs all the way home. A great way to pass the 12 hour driving time. We missed the ferry to the island by 15 minutes and ended up sleeping in the know stuffed sock monkey bodies make a great pillow. I wish I had a picture.
So far I am booked to appear at the following shows: Xmas in October, Festival Place, Sherwood Park Oct 30, 31 & Nov 1; Leduc Xmas Craft Show Christ the King School, Leduc Nov 8 & 9.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
New Name . . . New Era
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
To Market...To Market
I am located in stall 152 on St. Thomas Street. I will be selling my world famous sock monkeys and Sockits along with my Owl Pods, Tee-Totes, and sock monkey gadget keepers.
I hope it will be warm and the wind stays away - I don't need any more tent accidents.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Now Appearing SOCKITS at Stop & Shop
The story of the Sockit is a very interesting one. Have you ever taken your clothes out of the dryer and found there to be only one sock?? Where is the other you ask... well here is your
That wonderful single sock was sucked out of your dryer vent and sent to the Planet Zebo where it was transformed into a "Sockit", colourful, kid-friendly little sock aliens that are very curious and fun. They are now available for adoption this weekend at the Spring Stop & Shop located at the Hangar on Kingsway from 11-6 on Sat & 11-5 on Sunday.
Drop by and check out all the other wonderful artists including a couple of my favorites; colourful & retro inspired vinyl bags by Majesty Inc, graphic design resin pendants & rings by Cloud & Lolly, totally awesome sock monsters by Belua Designs, and the coolest hats by Sugar Soul.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Coming Soon to a Show Near You!

Thursday, April 02, 2009
Say Hello to my Little Friend....
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Show Off Market Collective
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Some are brand new and others are old favorites. I hope to be at most or all selling my sock monkeys and accessories.
Here is the line up:
Show Off Market Collective - March 27 - 29
Morse Code location on Whyte Ave - 10422-82 Ave
Fri/Sat 10-9, Sun 11-6
Handmade Mafia - Sat, April 4 10-4
Orange Hall 10335-84 Ave & Savoy 10401-82 Ave
Enjoy a craft walk at 2 locations
Spring Stop & Shop - May 22-24
Hangar on Kingsway 11410 Kingsway Avenue
Fri 5-9, Sat 11-6, Sun 11-5
Royal Bison Craft & Art Fair - May 30 & 31
Cosmopolitan Music Society 8426 Gateway Blvd
Sat/Sun 10-5
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Monkey Business
So my answer is Monkey Business is goood!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Class of 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A Fresh Start